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This is a list of community content which has been featured on Power Wiki.

Today we would like to highlight someone who has done an impressive work documenting his experience from trying out different XrmToolBox tools (and other tools as well). Take a look at this page on Linn Zaw Win's blog Linn's Power Platform Notebook and you will be amazed by his work! Not only is there a list of LOTS of useful tools, there are links to articles in which Linn describe how the tools work. While you are on this page - whatever you do don't miss the wonderful quote by no other than Power Wiki's Jonas Rapp!
"If you are not working with XrmToolBox, you are just working too hard." – Jonas Rapp, 2016" 🤩
Well done documenting the tools Linn, this is such a 😎 place to visit when you want to get a quick start for how different tools work or just inspiration for what you can do to improve the "you are just working too hard" part!

Hardit Bhatia is currently doing a Power Apps (Canvas apps) series of articles where he uses a 😎 concept.
A-Z: 26 tips! Learn how to improve your Power Apps!.
One article each day representing the letters of the alphabet.
We really like this concept Hardit Bhatia, it's an awesome way of improving our Canvas apps skills!
First out to be featured on Power Wiki is Carl Cookson and his XrmToolBox tools. Carl Cookson is always good at upliftning others with a #FeelGoodFriday tag on Twitter. It is time for Carl Cookson to be highlighted!
Keep up the good work Carl Cookson!