
A deprecation means that Microsoft intends to remove the feature or capability from a future major release. This means that you need to have a future plan which includes taking care of those parts in your solutions that uses features or capabilities which are being deprecated.

"If it works, don't touch it!" :) But it is important to have a strategic plan for how to deal with deprecations. Sometimes dates are announced for when something will stop working. It might be the removal of an important endpoint which you use in your code. You need to keep an eye open for such dates and as soon as you have a date that means something will stop working, then you really need a plan to replace it.

OData v2.0 Service removal date: November 11, 2022

Make sure to check your JavaScript web resource code in good time before November 2022! Use the solution checker or visit your repositories and look for "/xrmservices/2011/organizationdata.svc"

Read more: OData v2.0 Service removal date announcement

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