How to work with Solution Patches

Revision as of 20:36, 17 December 2021 by CarinaMClaesson (talk | contribs)

Sometimes when working with Solutions you might not need a full deployment of the whole solution, here patches come in.

Imagine that you have your solution live in a production environment and you are about to start a new big project. During this project it might be the case that you need to do a smaller update/fix in the production environment, but you will not be able to do that from the DEV environment where you are working with your big new project. Because there will be changes you do not want to add to production yet. In the future you could potentially use Settings for this, but for now and an alternative approach is to make a copy of DEV to another environment before you start with your new project. In that temporarily DEV environment you could do the small fix and create a patch to import to the production environment.

More to add here... We'll continue soon!

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