App for Outlook
The App for Outlook let's you synchronize e-mails and appointments between Outlook and Dataverse. It is a model-driven app which is installed by default when you choose to include a Dynamics app in your environment. The App for Outlook can be used also in an environment without Dynamics apps. Then you will need to download the app from AppSource.
How to get started
1. If you do not have the app installed, get it from AppSource.
2. Configure server-side synchronization (Admin Center -> the environment -> Settings -> E-mail -> Email Settings -> Server Profile.
3. Approve, test & enable mailboxes for the user's (start with one as a test): Admin Center -> the environment -> Settings -> E-mail -> Mailboxes Mark the users which should have the Outlook App and click on "Approve E-mail". For the same users, click on "Test and Enable Mailbox". You will need to be a Global Admin.
4. Add the app to the users. Admin Center -> the environment -> Settings -> Resources -> Dynamics 365 for Outlook. Here all users which have had their mailboxes approved will be shown and we have the possibility to add the app for Outlook to them. Please note you can configure it so that the app is added automatically for all users that have their mailboxes approved (checkbox on that page).
5. Go to the user's Outlook and verify that the app is working (that you have the Dynamics 365 option, it loads correctly and you can track e-mails.)
Good to know
- If you have configured the App for Outlook for a user in one environment, in order to be able to track e-mails and appointments from another environment you might need to disconnect from that first environment by removing the Outlook app from the user's Outlook. That process is described in Microsoft Docs: Disable or remove the Outlook app
Microsoft Resources
- Overview of Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
- Starting point for Using the App!
- Introducing the PowerApp that brings Common Data Service into Outlook Power Apps blog 2019-06-21
Community Resources
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